

We provide individual therapy to address a wide range of psychological, emotional, and behavioral issues. Our experienced therapists are trained to work with diverse populations and offer compassionate and evidence-based treatment for a wide range of presenting concerns. Some common issues our clinicians treat include:

  • Anxiety: Social anxiety, panic attacks, excessive worry, performance anxiety

  • Depression: Low motivation, low self-esteem, disrupted sleep/appetite

  • Relationship Issues: Communication skills, resolve conflicts, establish boundaries, and develop healthier relationship patterns.

  • Trauma and Loss: Painful traumatic memories, flashbacks, nightmares, and low self-worth. Difficulties adjusting to loss and finding meaning and healing after loss.

  • Stress Management: Difficulties managing stress from work or school-related pressures, life transitions, or other personal challenges.

  • Identity Exploration: Identity issues, low self-compassion, and incongruence between personal beliefs and lifestyle.

  • Negative Habits: Address compulsive behaviors or habits

Our therapists employ evidence-based approaches including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and psychodynamic approaches to help individuals understand triggers, develop healthier coping strategies, and achieve lasting behavior change.

Couples therapy

We offer comprehensive couples therapy services designed to support and strengthen relationships. Our therapists provide a safe and non-judgmental space for couples to explore their dynamics, improve communication, and work towards resolving conflicts. Couples therapy can enhance relationship satisfaction in a variety of ways including improving communication, promoting a deeper emotional connection, repairing attachment wounds, conflict resolution, rebuilding trust after betrayal trauma (e.g., affairs), and enhancing intimacy and sexual satisfaction. We also offer pre-marital counseling.

Our therapists are dedicated to helping couples create lasting positive change and cultivate a relationship that is mutually supportive, loving, and resilient.

Family therapy

Our family therapy services are designed to help families navigate and resolve various challenges they are facing. Our goal is to foster healthier communication patterns, enhance understanding, and promote overall family well-being through the use of evidence-based approaches and techniques tailored to the unique needs of each family. These sessions often involve multiple family members or the entire family unit working together with the therapist.

Common problems addressed in family therapy include:

  • Communication difficulties: Many families struggle with ineffective communication, leading to misunderstandings, conflicts, and breakdowns in relationships. Family therapy helps improve communication skills and encourages active listening, empathy, and problem-solving.

  • Conflict resolution: Families can face conflicts arising from diverse sources, such as parenting styles, sibling rivalry, financial issues, or extended family dynamics. Family therapy assists in identifying and resolving these conflicts through mediation, negotiation, and developing healthy coping strategies.

  • Parent-child relationship issues: Parenting can be challenging, and conflicts between parents and children can arise at various stages of development. Family therapy provides a supportive space to address parenting concerns, establish appropriate boundaries, strengthen the parent-child bond, and develop effective parenting techniques.

  • Blended family challenges: When families come together through remarriage or the blending of households, unique dynamics and challenges can arise. Family therapy helps navigate issues such as adjusting to new roles, managing differences in parenting styles, and building stronger relationships among family members.

  • Divorce or separation: When families experience separation or divorce, family therapy can assist in facilitating the transition and addressing the emotional impact on all family members. It focuses on co-parenting, helping children adjust to the new family structure, and promoting effective communication and collaboration between ex-partners.

Psychological evaluations

We provide comprehensive psychological evaluations that aim to assess various aspects of an individual's psychological well-being and functioning. These evaluations involve the use of standardized assessments, interviews, and observations to gather information and provide a comprehensive understanding of the individual's unique needs, challenges, and strengths.

Some of the most common presenting problems assessed for during our psychological evaluations include:

  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): ADHD evaluations involve assessing attention difficulties, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Through interviews, behavioral observations, rating scales, and other psychological testing procedures, we assess whether an individual meets the criteria for ADHD and provide recommendations for appropriate interventions and treatment.

  • Personality and Mood Issues: Our evaluations aid in assessing and diagnosing personality disorders and mood disorders such as depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Various assessment tools, clinical interviews, and self-report measures are used to gain insights into an individual's personality traits, emotional functioning, and potential underlying causes of mood disturbances.

  • Psychological Factors related to Chronic Pain: Chronic pain can have significant psychological impacts, including depression, anxiety, and decreased quality of life. Psychological evaluations can assess the psychological factors contributing to chronic pain and help develop appropriate pain management strategies. Evaluations may involve assessing coping mechanisms, pain perception, emotional well-being, and the impact of pain on daily functioning.

During these evaluations, we employ a holistic approach, considering the individual's unique background, personal history, and current circumstances. The assessments help identify strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas of concern to guide personalized treatment plans and interventions.

Psychological evaluations provide valuable insights that inform treatment decisions, intervention strategies, and referrals to other healthcare professionals.

Seminars and workshops

We offer a variety of seminars and workshops that focus on couples enrichment, parenting skills, and positive psychology. These sessions are designed to enhance relationships, promote effective parenting, and cultivate a positive mindset for individual and family flourishing. Here is a brief description of the seminars and workshops we provide in these areas:

  • Couples Enrichment: These workshops aim to strengthen and enrich romantic relationships. Couples learn effective communication techniques, conflict resolution skills, and strategies for building intimacy and connection. Topics covered may include enhancing emotional intimacy, fostering/rebuilding trust, and maintaining a healthy balance between individuality and togetherness.

  • Parenting Skills: Our parenting workshops provide guidance and support to parents and caregivers. Participants learn evidence-based parenting techniques, including positive discipline, effective communication with children, setting boundaries, and promoting healthy child development. These sessions also address specific parenting challenges and offer strategies for managing behavior, promoting resilience, and nurturing a positive parent-child relationship.

  • Positive Psychology: These seminars focus on discussing and applying evidence-based positive psychology principles that have been shown to help people experience greater levels of life satisfaction and well-being. Participants learn techniques to cultivate gratitude, foster resilience, live more mindfully, and practice self-compassion. The workshops emphasize strategies for enhancing happiness, finding purpose and meaning, and creating a more fulfilling life.

Our seminars and workshops are interactive and engaging, allowing participants to actively learn and apply the principles and skills taught. We create a safe and supportive environment where individuals and families can share their experiences, ask questions, and learn from the expertise of our clinicians. Whether you are seeking to enhance your relationship, improve your parenting skills, or explore ways to be happier and enhance your overall well-being, our seminars and workshops provide valuable tools and insights to support your personal and family growth.

Couples intensives

Our couples intensives are immersive and highly focused therapy experiences designed to address and resolve specific relationship challenges. Couples intensives provide an opportunity for couples to engage in concentrated therapy sessions over a relatively brief period, typically spanning two to three days. This format allows for deep exploration and intensive, focused work on the issues affecting the relationship. Couples intensives offer a highly concentrated form of couples therapy in which material that is usually covered across several months of weekly outpatient couples therapy is addressed over the course of just two to three days.

During couples intensives, our skilled therapists provide a safe and supportive environment where couples can openly and honestly address their concerns, improve communication, and work towards building a healthier and more fulfilling relationship. The intensives are tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of each couple, providing a personalized and concentrated approach to therapy.

The key features of our couples intensives include:

  1. Comprehensive assessment of your relationship: Our clinicians first conduct an individualized assessment of your relationship and individual backgrounds to gain a more nuanced understanding of each partner's experiences, as well as the general climate of your relationship. It allows your therapist to gain an understanding of how each partner's strengths and areas for improvement contribute to the dynamics within the relationship.

    The individualized assessment process sets the stage for a collaborative and personalized intensive therapeutic journey.

  2. Extended therapy sessions: Couples intensives typically involve multiple therapy sessions conducted over consecutive days. These extended sessions allow for an in-depth exploration of the underlying dynamics, patterns, and challenges within the relationship.

  3. Targeted problem-solving: Couples intensives focus on specific areas of concern identified by the couple. Whether it's communication difficulties, trust issues, conflict resolution, or other relationship challenges, the intensives provide concentrated time and attention to address these problems effectively.

  4. Intensive skill-building: Couples are provided with practical tools, techniques, and exercises designed to improve their communication, deepen emotional connection, and enhance overall relationship satisfaction. These skills are learned and practiced during the intensives, with guidance from the therapist.

  5. Individual and joint sessions: In addition to joint sessions, couples intensives may include individual sessions where each partner has an opportunity to explore personal concerns, emotions, and experiences that may be impacting the relationship. These individual sessions complement the joint work and contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics at play.

  6. Follow-up and aftercare: After the couples intensive, therapists may provide recommendations for continued therapy, support, or additional resources to help couples sustain the progress achieved during the intensive. Follow-up sessions or periodic check-ins may also be recommended to ensure ongoing growth and development within the relationship.

Couples intensives offer a focused, accelerated approach to couples therapy, allowing couples to delve deep into their relationship dynamics and work towards meaningful and lasting change. The intensive format provides a dedicated space for couples to address their challenges, gain valuable insights, and acquire practical skills to nurture a stronger and more fulfilling partnership.